Ever wonder why you hear these horror stories that the bank took all of the clients info and then didn't close the loan in the 11th hour? It is simple... it is a guess based on minimal info on where you will fall in line throughout the process.... On loan amount, Rates, and even overall cost. Once the offer is placed and purchase agreement in written- then the lender will process the collection of data, (i.e.. employment docs, bank statements etc..) after all is collected then you are sent to an underwriter. Who reviews the data collected and can say ye' or ne' to your entire loan process... this can be weeks of time spent and lost- resulting in no purchase or a delayed purchase process....
At Movement Mortgage, we focus on a Approval and not a Prequalification This means:
We speak to the client, collect the pertinent data up front- send it to an underwriter without all third party documents and have an UNDERWRITTEN APPROVAL to you and your real estate agent based on ACTUAL numbers and not a guess. Your (Pre)approval is just as solid as a CASH offer to sellers and in turn allows for more negotiating power. We can do this without knowing which home you are buying and will send you the APPROVAL- based on a TBD (To Be Determined) address. With the SAFE loan amount, income numbers etc... you can speed up your closing process once the contract is signed, because after that- we really only need to verify things like appraisal, homeowners, title work etc... The hard part is OVER.... ahhhhh, a sigh of relief. Doesn't that sound AhhhMAZING?
I know I harp that the Green Team (as we call it) really does cater to our real estate partners but it also means more for the direct client. We have more time individually to focus on all facets of business and in turn it makes for a smoother, faster turn time for our clients. Their is nothing more stressful than buying a home or growing your family and at the end of the day- we want to take at least one variable off your hands!
Don't allow the initial process that seems easy become a nightmare. We want to help you with your dream home and as your mortgage advisor, my goal is to ensure our clients and partners are happy and moreover educated to assist along the way...
Signing off,
Theresa Crowell Green
Your mortgage advisor