Monday, March 31, 2014

PreQual VS. PreApproval = Fast Closing

What if I told you that most of the "QUALIFICATION" letters given to your real estate agent are Pre-Qualifications and not Pre- Approvals... And then I told you that Pre-Quals really have no bearing on if you are TRULY approved to do a loan and buy a home?!?

Ever wonder why you hear these horror stories that the bank took all of the clients info and then didn't close the loan in the 11th hour? It is simple... it is a guess based on minimal info on where you will fall in line throughout the process.... On loan amount, Rates, and even overall cost. Once the offer is placed and purchase agreement in written- then the lender will process the collection of data, (i.e.. employment docs, bank statements etc..) after all is collected then you are sent to an underwriter. Who reviews the data collected and can say ye' or ne' to your entire loan process... this can be weeks of time spent and lost- resulting in no purchase or a delayed purchase process....


At Movement Mortgage, we focus on a Approval and not a Prequalification  This means:
We speak to the client, collect the pertinent data up front- send it to an underwriter without all third party documents and have an UNDERWRITTEN APPROVAL to you and your real estate agent based on ACTUAL numbers and not a guess. Your (Pre)approval is just as solid as a CASH offer to sellers and in turn allows for more negotiating power. We can do this without knowing which home you are buying and will send you the APPROVAL- based on a TBD (To Be Determined) address. With the SAFE loan amount, income numbers etc... you can speed up your closing process once the contract is signed, because after that- we really only need to verify things like appraisal, homeowners, title work etc... The hard part is OVER.... ahhhhh, a sigh of relief. Doesn't that sound AhhhMAZING?

I know I harp that the Green Team (as we call it) really does cater to our real estate partners but it also means more for the direct client. We have more time individually to focus on all facets of business and in turn it makes for a smoother, faster turn time for our clients. Their is nothing more stressful than buying a home or growing your family and at the end of the day- we want to take at least one variable off your hands!

Don't allow the initial process that seems easy become a nightmare. We want to help you with your dream home and as your mortgage advisor, my goal is to ensure our clients and partners are happy and moreover educated to assist along the way...

Signing off,

Theresa Crowell Green
Your mortgage advisor

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thank you, Gracias, Mahala, Merci, Grazie... Well you get the point...

In a world driven with bottom line results and trying to survive on our own accord... we simply, sometimes, forget to say... THANK YOU.

Not just to the guy who let you in front of him in traffic, or the sweet girl who may have held the elevator... but to our clients and counterparts. Statistically speaking, (Yeah, I know 84% of statistics are made up; or was it 12%... whichever. ) you are more prone to try harder, work longer, focus on others when praised... We all like to hear that we are doing a great job, or what a difference we made in someone's lives.

Tooting our own professional horn however, isn't the most attractive thing we can do... So do something to make someone want to toot your horn. To press on it so hard that it creates uproar for local noise ordinance laws. Show your employees you appreciate them, show your business partner their long hours of unwavering focus on your TEAM success isn't going unnoticed..

I have made it my business to let my clients know that we appreciate every phone call, thought or text from them, and every referral they send our way. We want them to know, that we are an advocate for their happiness... The same with my real estate partners. We have built a team around focusing on our counterparts success and in turn knowing that in the long run, we aren't building a business for them, but a career and hopefully what we offer now- will create an unrelenting partnership as we grow as a team.

We, have invested in our real estate partners by bringing on someone, (Stacey D. - my super happy business development coordinator) who can assist me in managing your needs and your clients needs. Managing our relationship and helping where you may need a little push... She is a token of me thanking you as my client and my partners. (Although, I don't own her... I rent her during business hours.) We have had many of our real estate partners take advantage of utilizing Stacey for their marketing needs this past week and we are glad! And those that haven't- please make sure you reach out to her if you need help with anything regarding social media, bios, etc..

I want to take a moment out of my busy, 80 hour a week work schedule (which I work because you guys believe in me and send me clients.) to say THANK YOU, Thank you for believing in me and my team, thank you for choosing us out of your business partner choices, thank you for staying focused and being an amazing asset to this community. It is a pleasure working with and being friends with all of you. I believe in 2014, all of us will be more successful than in years past, because we are creating an alliance, a sort of band that will allow us all to hit our financial goals and our long term business goals.

My clients are wonderful people and I feel blessed every day that I wake up, knowing I am helping our clients reach their dreams. That's what its about folks, seeing the smile on our clients face and knowing that we have a client for life. That we have EARNED the right to call them our client and friend. We strive to do that with each client, and in turn- we create stronger partnerships with our business partners.

At the end of the day, we are all tired, we all get put through the ringer, we all put our shoes on the same way... What we don't do enough is show people we are thankful. If you are a business partner of mine, or client- just know.... I am grateful to have you in my life: business or personal; Thank you for being who you are and for striving toward who you want to be...

Signing off, -
Sappy Faced and all- Theresa Crowell Green

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. - Meister Eckhart

Sunday, March 16, 2014

A driveby blogging! Jump on the Bandwagon as we roll by!

Okay lets have fun with this on week 2! Can you believe it? I made it to week 2?
 Look out E.L. James, (Fifty Shades of Grey, reference.)

Lets discuss the brass tax of where we seem to fall currently in the marketplace. After reading through Zillow, Trulia, and other sites I can see in this current quarter that listing prices are increasing in the Charlotte area and are averaging roughly $127 per sq. foot compared to $97 per sq. foot, 5 years ago; $121 per sq. foot a year ago and even $122 in the most recent quarter passed.

Zillow.Com- shows that home sales are up .3% in the past month and 1.4% in the last quarter with a 6% increase from last year at this time. Meaning home buyers and sellers are all finally starting to come out of our shell and to my real estate professionals- BE READY. We have all seen a slight increase in business and it seems that a lot of us anticipate to be so busy through the rest of this year, we may have to make sleep optional. ( I did this years ago.)

For my real estate partners, HOW do YOU anticipate getting the BUSINESS? Do you Skype, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, or put your profile on partner sites??? If not, you should and you better be! This new social media thing has taken over, it has grown to roughly 40% of the populations way of picking people that they ultimately do business with... How they search, who you are and how good you are or at least appear to be...

If the only thing they find on Google when they look you up is the link and a close estimate range of your age... then I suggest you jump on it. Or someone who is willing to put the work in, WILL get your clients. Not just that, but a newbie. Someone who may not even know what a Jack and Jill is... Other than a fond childhood story book character. But with a smile and a bio page they are well on their way to obtaining and maintaining a stable real estate career. Which is what we are here blogging about.

We want you to be successful in this market and to grow your business exponentially. Because of that, we brought on a business development coordinator, (fondly known as Stacey in our office) that is set in place to help our real estate agent partners get up and running in this social media highway of life. She is your Mr. Miyagi and you can be her Daniel son.

Email her (Stacey.Duncan@MovementMortgage.Com) if you feel like you need a "little" help and she can meet with you on how The Green Team can be a value add as a strategic lending partner to you and your clients. Not to mention, when volume picks up- it NEVER hurts to tell them your preferred lender has the ability and goal to close in 7 days...

Salutations All,

T.C. Green
"Leading you home"

Attributing Links to Market Data:

Sunday, March 9, 2014

This thing they call social media...

In typing this initial post, I want you to know, I have not been a blog(ger), a tweet(er), a facebook(er), linkedin(er), all about me(er) ever. However, with over 25 years of experience in the mortgage industry, I can say this with certainty, Times are 'ah changin'.

So in such, over the years I have conformed to the market; weathered the storm you could say. I have gone into this industry a caterpillar and have evolved into this professional butterfly that you see blogging before you today!

I am proud to say that I have established a professional team to cheer all of our clients and professional affiliates on until each person makes it to the finish line. (ie. The closing table)

With a loan officer assistant by my side that is a wiz at the loan process, and a business development coordinator to oversee client and business affiliate relationships, we truly are a team unlike any in the market. (Lots of heart, drive and the ability to make each client feel like they are our only client.)

We call ourselves, The Green Team. We do not wear capes, none of us can fly. (although I think my business coordinator may think she can...) But what we can do is this: Close and close quickly. Close and have a smile on our faces, Close and know that we did our best for each client that comes to our office... Close with a service unlike ANY other you will find.

We want our clients and business affiliates to know what we do and who we are in the market... Without all of my social media sites to tell you about the type of sandwich I might eat tomorrow, or if I am still tired from the weekend... You would miss out.

However, I promise you- As I post- you will learn insightful things, see testimonials of happy clients, learn how to grow your business as an affiliate of ours, and above all leave my page feeling as if I wrote this to you personally. Why? Because I did.

See you soon,
