Friday, May 30, 2014

We are Different from Our competition- It's not just the people.... IT IS THE PROCESS.

With all post, we have a lot of advice and hope that as we publish each blog that something will not only appeal to our audience- but help them be more successful along the way- Or in the case of our clients, allow their home buying and refinance experience to be as painless as possible.

Movement and The Green Team
  • We underwrite UP FRONT on a To Be Determined Property- allowing your offer to your potential home seller to be AS GOOD AS CASH.  Since in roughly 24 hours you will have an actual loan approval with conditions.
  • Conditions Collected by loan officer and processor. (48-72 hours later)
  • File cleared to close and Goal for package is to be out 3 days prior to closing.  (48-72 hours later)
  • We have a 7 day clear to close process goal which is UNHEARD OF IN THIS INDUSTRY.
  • We (Our Team) have 3 people working in different aspects of your loan process to ensure NO DOWN TIME delivery for our clients or partners.
Our Competition
  • Takes application, doesn't verify information up front until they ask for documents- sends approval to real estate agent and then sends the loan package asking for more documents.
  • receives loan package- processes- Processor calls for more information since they cannot submit to the underwriter without a FULL package.
  • Client submits more documentation- File sent to underwriter (this is roughly 2-3 weeks in at this point)
  • Underwriter approves the file subject to other conditions and missing documentation- Loan officer, processor, client and agent gather missing items.
  • Underwriter clears loan to close (Usually around day 30 ish) and loan package sent to attorney.
  • Client waiting to close (between 30-45 days)
  • OR WORSE: gets turned down for their loan on day 30 on an issue that could have been potentially avoided on day 1-2 on our process for MOVEMENT MORTGAGE.

See? Really Different. We were set up to run OPPOSITE OF OUR COMPETITION to set us apart.

On a Side note:
A small real estate broker was dismayed when a brand new corporate chain much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read BEST AGENTS.

He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading LOWEST COMMISSIONS. The small real estate broker panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own brokerage-it read... MAIN ENTRANCE.
Okay Back to Business:
Marketing Tips by Team Green
  • Search for your competition or clients:
    • Twitter:  (3 ways to search)
      • can help you find potential followers and customers on Twitter. By clicking on Advanced Search you can narrow down finding tweets based on different parameters.
      • Search for a Need: As a real estate agent, you want to search for clients who may want your product; (listing, potential buyers, renters, foreclosure, short sale etc..) whatever your specialty. In this case you might search: "Buying Home", "Looking to rent", "Buying foreclosure"... The possibilities are endless, so you get the point. But this allows you to find potential clients that MOST of your competition WILL not know how to approach...
      • Search for Hashtag: No, this is not for selfies or whatever those things are called when someone awkwardly poses themselves in front of their camera.. #noselfieshere. But they are used widely in Twitter to help differentiate a discussion. For example, every Tuesday moms and other women use #GNO as a search (Girls night out). Finding a # (<--- That is a hashtag) relating to your business can help with potential clients.
Search by Location: you can specify a keyword and find everyone tweeting the keyword within a distance of a zipcode or city.
Hope this helps with your Twitter Marketing!
signing off :) Since it is month end and we have things to do!!
Talk soon and call us if you need us for ANYTHING

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Working out your mind- Lets give you some SUPER marketing Tips!!

In the past month, I realize I have been MIA on my blogging. No excuse- other than my marketing gal and our team has been busy working on clients and achieving their goals.

I know that for some of you - you were like Thank goodness!! (For others, you probably thought, what is a blog and why is Theresa on one? ) Don't worry, I promise, it's safe... And not a new gimmick to exercise.

Since its been a while, lets PACK as much advice as I can in a LITTLE spot this week to help our real estate partners with some marketing tips.

Think outside the box!!

When ramping up your business it isn't just about single referrals. Focus on a GROUP
of people you can offer value too!

If you want to run campaigns and can part with a portion of your commission (remember 0% of $.00 is still.... $0.00)

Potentially a particular HOA for listings, $500 off your fee for example of a lower commission to represent both parties. (list that this is your specialty--- after all... it is- if you work on it.)

What about Daycares, (chains) that you will be their preferred realtor for all staff / members with a discount to your services with no compromised time..

The possibilities are endless. Organizations, Non Profits, several small business in your town.

Now with all good things their should be a caveat. Not to take advantage of the client- but so you are selling yourself short forever. Offer campaigns with a code on the marketing piece so it has to be mentioned to qualify as well as give specific time frames to take advantage of it.

Keep the companies abreast of what is happening in the market and visit them regularly (every 6-8 weeks) to follow up and stay on their mind.

Create a new Service:

 You and I both know that we probably already have enough on our plate. But with a little structure and some scheduling- you can have several things in line to set you apart from your competition.
For instance: create care packets- as we will call them for the area your clients are looking in when purchasing. (I'm not talking sparkling water...) What I mean by this is to look up schools definitively, closest shopping centers, *find a local restaurant to rave about. Part of buying the house is the experience- and making them feel at home before they move can make all the difference from you and your competition.  A simple word document with local cleaners, auto detailers, restaurants to rave about, schools, and even see if the city/town has a community page so you can print off details of happenings around town for them to familiarize themselves with the area and meet new people.

Last but not least: NEVER SURRENDER.

Being a commission professional is not always easy. Keep your wits about you when things go bad. Being in this industry is not only rewarding and humbling but can take you from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in an instant. The one thing that will set you apart from your competition is not giving up on your goals. When you do get the client you have been longing for... Remember-
we answer immediately, we underwrite quicker than anything you are going to be accustomed too and we set our business model around being ahead of our competition. Let us take care of them, so you can be sure that you will have one more successful transaction under your belt :)

Signing off,
